psychic scams tricks fakes and lies

When I later went into business for myself, I’d have clients tell me things like, “Well, someone else told me that the reason Bob isn’t calling is due to the fact that he had gone fishing with his friends, where later that day they grilled steaks on the barbecue and Bob wound up sick with food poisoning. He was also dehydrated. He then had to seek medical attention but is back home now in bed, being cared for by his mother, while recuperating and sleeping most of the day. He’s severely depressed, has been out of work for a week and too sick to talk to anyone but hasn’t stopped thinking about me and not to worry as he will be calling me around the 10th of June. He will then apologize and invite me to go camping. There he will profess his true feelings for me and his desire that we enter into a committed relationship. He’ll be wearing white socks and blue pants.”

To which I’d ask, ‘Oh, wow, wonderful! So you spoke with his sister or his close friend and they conveyed all of this information to you?’ At which point my client, appearing fully confident, replied, “No, that’s what another psychic told me.”

I’d then say, ‘Well, listen, when this comes to pass, please do me a favor and tell that psychic I’d love to hire them!’

Invariably, weeks later the same client would call to relay the disappointing news. He never called. The trip never happened and here comes the heartache all over again.

My reading had indicated he had merely lost all interest in her, was thoroughly detached and would never call her again. However, that type of reply doesn’t make much money for the pay-per-minute networks. I knew he wouldn’t return but I hoped that my reading was incorrect and the other psychic was spot-on. My heart was always heavy for my clients who were fed these outrageous, bold-faced lies, though colorful and richly detailed as they were.

Remember This: Tarotti is not a pay-per-minute psychic network. Think about that for a moment. What will you most likely hear at a pay-per-minute psychic network? The same thing you’ve always heard; exactly what you want to hear. This tragic fact makes our job exceedingly difficult.

How? When a client has patronized any of the pay-per-minute psychic networks, they’re often just entertained with a fairytale; a feel-good story that gives false hopes and empty promises for an astronomical fee. The client is then psychologically stimulated for a period of time but when that stimulation begins to wear off and the client needs another dose of hope, they look for a new psychic to replenish their dwindling hopes and banish their recurring fears.

Oftentimes the next psychic they call is one of us.

The Math: $10.00 per minute adds up to $600 per hour. It’s a multi-million-dollar industry. Why? Because the fastest, most powerful and significant way in which to mend a broken heart and be alleviated of the horrendous pain and suffering is to be reunited with the person who broke your heart. He or she must return and profess their undying love for you and admit to their wrongdoing and shower you with attention and affection in order for you to be delivered from the insufferable torment you’re experiencing.

Or, you may dial any of the hundreds upon hundreds of online psychics, pay with your debit or credit card and within a few brief moments, you’re connected to a kind, caring, compassionate voice and that voice will mesmerize you. Your chosen psychic will comfort you, completely understand you, appear heartfelt, moved and genuinely, whole-heartedly interested in you and your tragic tale of woe.

Suddenly, before you’ve even realized it, you’re at $200 and counting. Many people get off the phone only to discover they’ve just spent $600 plus for nothing more than a paid pal who just told them all the wonderful things they so desperately wanted to hear.

The days pass, then weeks, then months and each day you’re waiting for that reading to come to pass; the promised message or call will come or the doorbell will ring or the apology letter arrives, professing love and undying devotion ——– but fact of the matter is, nothing that was ever prophesied comes to pass.

Discover the major differences between our old fashioned psychic services and the huge corporate psychic network industries that garner millions in revenue.

At Tarotti online psychic services, we wholeheartedly provide genuine psychic services by authentic clairvoyants and urge you to try our honest and ethical approach to real psychic readings before winding up in severe financial debt as the victim at any number of the numerous online commercial warehouse psychic network scams